
Patients in white coats

Whereas they are often the first an addict comes to, they are themselves very often in need of help. Addiction among medical professionals often remains hidden. With the Corona pandemic, the game of hide-and-seek intensified, many patients stayed away from addiction treatment alltogether. Others do not dare to take this step at all or too late. Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Michael Musalek outlines what could help.

"It's only the others who are sick"

High self-demands, tremendous professional stress and a tendency to overwork: these are the conditions which many physicians cope with in their everyday working lives - and their maintenance can often lead to addiction. Addiction expert Michael Musalek tells medinlive why this is a big issue, at which point addiction starts and what structural models are required to deal with it.
Suchterkrankte Mediziner*innen

Patient*innen im weißen Kittel

Sie sind oft die Ersten, zu denen ein Suchtkranker kommt, dabei brauchen sie oft selbst Hilfe. Sucht unter Mediziner*innen bleibt oft im Verborgenen. Mit der Corona-Pandemie wurde das Versteckspiel verstärkt, viele blieben der Suchtbehandlung fern. Andere wagen diesen Schritt überhaupt nicht oder erst zu spät. Was helfen könnte, schildert der Psychiater und Psychotherapeut Michael Musalek.

Merry Christmas

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